She had seen me once in exercise and she thought, “Gee, Albie is so brave.” She’d heard my name and I saw her sitting there and I thought, “Gee, that woman, whoever she is, she’s so brave.” We each thought the other was brave. I was crying inside. I was wretched. And our lives actually met up with — years later when I went into exile into England. She was there. She came there and we spoke and she married an Englishman. And years later, after I was blown up, and my like second exile in England, she got in touch with me. And when I set up the South African Constitution Study Center to prepare for a new constitution, I asked her to be my assistant. She said, “Albie, no. I’m too old.” And so I said, “No, Dorothy, you must.” And she did. And she came back to South Africa when I went back to South Africa afterwards.