I met my team, and I told them, “We’re going to win,” and I looked into their eyes.  Then, when they sat on the bench, I looked at them again, I said, “We are going to win.”  I felt we were connected.  Then I asked Grant Hill — instead of telling him what to do — I asked Grant, “Can you throw the ball 75 feet?”  And he said, “Yes, I’ll throw it.”  And by saying it already, I think he had already done it.  In fact, I think if you had interviewed him now, he would say that, “Well, I gave my word that I was going to do it.”  But if I said, “Grant, you throw it,” it would have been me telling him to do something.  I asked Christian Laettner, “If they ring you up, can you catch it?”  He says, “Coach, if Grant throws it, I’ll catch it.”  All of a sudden, there was that — some people would call that bravado, or cocky talk, but we had gone from walking off the court scattered, mentally and physically, to now, a minute and a half later, to believing that we were going to win. Everybody interacted in that. Laettner’s remark set a very positive tone. It was like, “Yeah, come on, we’ll do it.” Grant threw it, and Christian caught it, and he shot it, and he hit it, and we won. It was truly a unique time.