Certainly there have been failures, but I always say that you have to learn from your failures. Thomas Edison said he knew 999 ways that a light bulb did not work. He didn’t give up, and along with his right-hand man, Lewis Lattimer, they eventually came up with a successful light bulb. There’s a cleaning formula called Formula 409. Of course, the reason they call it that is because the first 408 didn’t work, but they didn’t give up and they kept going. I always say, “If something doesn’t work out, make sure you analyze it and try to find out why it didn’t work and don’t repeat that.” It’s like people who are always late. You can always count on them being late. They never seem to learn that if you get organized and you leave 15 minutes earlier, you won’t be late. They just don’t seem to be able to understand that. And, a person who can learn from their mistakes is a person who is going to be successful.