I certainly bought into the American Dream that was voiced by the propagandists of World War II, and I was a great moviegoer, and the movies in the ’30s and ’40s were where you could see preachments about the American dream. So, I still believe in the American Dream. I see it in terms of freedom, and a government that trusts its people to exercise freedom, that this is not a government that allows you to give, that allows you to explore, and doesn’t dampen your own creativity — in the broadest sense — with a lot of dictums or dogmas or restraints. So, insofar as we can remain a free country that allows for the interplay of personal energies. I think this is still a country that is not only working towards a dream, but actually is the dream in action. For all of the knocks that we take in the foreign press, and we have taken a lot lately, I think this is still a country where people want to come, and they want to come, I think, because they feel they are — a French friend of one of my stepsons, a boy about 16, just said about the way people dress in America, he said, “They are not afraid.” I thought this was a great insight, you know. In France, a lot of people — the French are in a way afraid not to dress in the appropriate costume of a happy housewife or whatever, and there is a kind of sense of the proper way to dress. And, in America you have the sense — so that was his way of saying that it’s a country without a government we need be afraid of. The country, the land has been good to me. I realize I was lucky, and born at a lucky time, too. So, I hesitate to prescribe for today’s children, but I would hope they would grow up with something of the same sense that it’s a privilege to be an American.