I think it’s also important to have your ear to the ground in terms of how people think and feel about a particular issue.  Lawyers can be very esoteric, can be very abstract, some of these issues.  You have to hear how people think about it, how they experience it in their everyday lives. Then you have to be able to communicate that to people, because you can win in courts, and you can win in Congress, but if you lose in the court of public opinion, you lose the battle. That is why it is so essential for us to talk about the work we do, why we do the work we do, what we are hoping to accomplish, and being able to tell the story.  Good lawyering is great storytelling.   There’s a good guy — that’s us.  There’s a bad guy, the opponent.  There is some type of orbiting force, a court, good versus evil.  There is a denouement, there is a resolution.  Either the good guys win or the bad guys win, and then we get to fight another day. So if you can tell the narrative in such a way that you tell people why this is important, and help them think through, “Well, why would this matter to me?  If I am not that person, why would I care?”  But the fact is that the American public, we are a very fair people.  We are a good-hearted people, we are an altruistic people.  We are an idealistic nation.  We believe it can always be better.  That’s the promise of this country. That’s the great history that we have come through.  So you can appeal to the best of people’s intentions, the best of their heartstrings, and you give them a role to play.  You give them a reason to care, you give them a role to play. You give them a reason to think that the world can be better and different.  Then you make change and then you make momentum.