The job of a military commander, in combat in the field in particular, is to provide the President his best professional military advice based on his understanding of the mission that he’s developed with the President in that context, in those conditions, in that battlefield, informed by an awareness of the issues with which the President has to deal that the commander doesn’t have to deal with directly.  So you know, you have to acknowledge there are national politics, Congressional politics, coalition politics, fiscal deficits, strain on the force, programs, you name it. But at the end of the day, that advice is based on — is driven by —  the facts on the ground. There was a moment where — and I reminded each President of this at some key moments —  in one moment, I did not change my recommendation after several meetings, to the surprise of some of those in the room who were all changing or at least agreeing to a new forthcoming decision. It didn’t mean that I didn’t support the decision fully, publicly, and so forth. But it did mean that my recommendation was unchanged. That was, at least to me, an issue of integrity.