I have a major passion for history, especially history of the Pacific war, the Atlantic war, the Second World War. Shipwreck — when a ship goes down with all the fire and all the horror, it goes again through this curtain of water and becomes something else. Not a tomb, but something more living, a real living memory of a time and a place. Classical underwater archeologists always refer to shipwrecks as the ultimate time capsule. And the same thing applies to our wrecks of the Second World War.  We spent a lot of time with the National Park Service with our friend Brett Seymour diving on the U.S.S. Arizona in Pearl Harbor. Put your hand out on the side of a wreck. There’s 1,177 men still entombed in that wreck. And as you go down, it’s dirty green water in Pearl Harbor, and it’s very, very spooky, very misty. But you can almost hear the voices, and you can hear the time and the place and they’re there still.