There were many such people with initiative in the Soviet Union, very many, and they wanted to find ways for self-actualization.  There was the Party, there was Komsomol, and naturally, since the Party was actually the only party available, everyone joined it. There was only one Party, everyone joined the same party. Also, I must confess, I remember that at the time the Party’s slogans appealed to me, they made quite an impression on me. It was very seductive, very attractive, and I took it all on faith. A lot of time still had to pass before I began to understand what the purpose and nature of the Party slogans really were, and what real life was, and what the Party meant for the country.   And that the Party, which I had joined, itself badly needed to be reformed and reoriented toward democracy.  And through this, the country could begin to gain some freedom. That came later, but it all started with the desire to do something and show initiative.  That was what led many good people to join the Komsomol and the Party.