As much research as you think you’re doing, you’re going to mess up, without a question. There are some times — I mean, I got the date of Roosevelt’s birthday wrong! I can’t believe it! I knew what his birthday was, and somehow I’d typed it wrong into the typewriter, and in the first edition of the book I had it the wrong day. Then immediately one reader called me up. Luckily now, the great thing about books is they print new and newer editions every few weeks, so you can correct your mistakes. And then, the next edition that comes out had the right date in it. There will be more serious things like that, that you might get wrong. Somebody will come up to you afterwards and say, “You know, you just didn’t interpret this right. I was there,” and maybe you didn’t interview that person. What I think I’ve learned is that you’re never going to get it all right, and you can’t obsess about having a fact wrong or a date wrong or something like that, as long as you tried as best you could. And you know some of them you will be able to change with the new editions of the book or the paperback. But even if it’s still wrong, if it is not meant, if you’ve done the kind of research that you’re sure is pretty good, then you just have to have confidence in it, so that nothing is perfect in life. I think that is what the criticism has helped me to understand.