I shot a picture of a man picking up an anchor in the Bahamas.  It was an interesting picture because there was a little bit of action in it. It was not exactly the Cartier-Bresson decisive moment. There was this surface of the water. It was made with an old Leica and a housing that was made in Britain, which you had a choice of either the F-stop — in other words, the diaphragm of the housing or focus — but not both.  So I decided that it was more important to have things in focus than perfectly exposed.  I discovered that what you could do is you could shoot black and white, which gave you a lot of latitude in the exposure.  It was a lucky discovery, because it was a basic training in how to see an image.  Black and white is the base element of photography.  It teaches you about light.  It teaches you about motion. It teaches you about decisive action.  It teaches you about gesture.  Everything that you needed to know.