It was part of my learning experience not to have a television, so what did we do in the evening? After dinner, my dad would read oftentimes from Dickens. This was sort of part of our family gathering around the fireplace at the farm, would be reading some of the classics and maybe talking a little bit about them, but that experience of listening to words read by my own dad, who was a college professor, so he read rather well, and having the opportunity to enlarge your horizon not just by yourself but with your brothers sitting next to you and thinking about, “Whoa, what is that writer describing?” The other thing that was a big part of my life growing up was music. My dad was formally trained as a classic violinist, but having worked in West Virginia and then North Carolina, he knew about the folk tradition and became not just a violinist but a fiddler. Same instrument, different kind of music, and so all of us grew up in that environment with various musicians who would drop by and sometimes stay longer than expected ’cause they ran out of money, and this was a wonderful part of my training because it was also the creative impulse that you don’t just memorize stuff, but you actually improvise together.