David Boies: Drama’s a very important aspect, and it’s important in a couple of respects.  First of all, it’s important just so that the jury doesn’t get so bored that they don’t listen.  Remember, they don’t have to listen.  And if you don’t keep them at least interested enough so that they’re going to pay attention, it doesn’t make any difference how good your case is, because they won’t hear it.  They won’t absorb it.  So you’ve got to find a way of keeping their interest. And remember, you’re trying, in some cases, to keep their interest for weeks or months about a subject that’s very complicated, that they don’t know anything about. That’s hard.  And so unless you have some drama involved in that, you’re going to lose their interest. The second thing that you want to use drama for is to emphasize the points that you make.  Those can be points of substance, or they can be points of undercutting the credibility of the other side.  But you want to have enough drama there so that you are emphasizing the things that help you. And for example, sometimes a lawyer will find that a witness has said something for the other side — has said something that’s not accurate, and the instinct is to show them a document or something that shows that it’s not accurate and just do that immediately.  Now, if you do that, that’s helpful. But if you say to them, “Now, you just said this.  You don’t really mean that, do you?”  They say, “Oh yes, I absolutely mean it.”  “You’re just making that up, aren’t you?  You’re just making that up.”  Now this is a dramatic confrontation.  Now the jury is focusing on it. Now if you’ve made it dramatic, you damn well better be sure that you’ve got it nailed, that you’re going to be able to show to the jury that the person did just make it up, because if you confront them dramatically and then you can’t follow through, not only have you not made your point, but you’ve damaged your credibility. But if you’ve really got it nailed, what you want to do is, you want to build up the conflict.  Build it up before you demolish it, so that when you demolish it, it’s a dramatic event that the jury is really focused on.