Later on, as I went through high school, then I came across a couple of teachers who were also great: Daffy Pernell, who taught chemistry; Frank Grundy, who taught math. Both excited, just bubbling over with enthusiasm, just so excited about the idea. So you could talk to them. Just after class, the class would all leave, and they’d continue to talk excitedly about something, maybe going out from the curriculum to something that they were actually personally more interested in. And Frank was great. When he would put a problem on the board for the class, he would say, “Okay. Work this out, for N equals 2,” and then for anybody who was interested, he sort of thought, “Is that true for all N?” or “Is there a quick, better way of doing this?” Just these little teasers. Or he’d end up with having got through the algebraic with a sum, the difference between two numbers to the power of 3.5 or something, and he’d then write it down to three decimal places straight off. We thought that was magic, or he cheated, and then he’d explain how he’d use the binomial theorem or whatever it is, and have an approximation. So he was full of — I guess it’s the passion is the main thing, and just letting it radiate. So both of those were good mentors, role models.