Andrew Young: Actually, the March on Washington grew out of the demonstrations in Alabama in 1963, in May, that these 5,000 students from about four or five different high schools really shut down the town, the economy. They had all read Gandhi, and they’d read about Gandhi’s salt march to the sea. So under Fred Shuttlesworth’s leadership, and James Bevel’s leadership,  Bevel had organized the students for the massive jail-in. All of this was replicating what Gandhi had done in India. So they saw the salt march to the sea, that Gandhi’s protests against the British, the counterpart of that would be a March on Washington. When they started, they were talking about, “No, we just get out on the highway and walk down Highway 11 and we’ll get there when we get there. We’ll eat along the way and we’ll demonstrate along the way.” And that was kind of organized chaos. And A. Phillip Randolph called Dr. King and said, “Look, I hear you’re thinking about a March on Washington. We’ve been trying to organize one since Franklin Roosevelt’s time. Why don’t we work together? So Dr. Randolph of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, and Bayard Rustin convened a meeting of the six civil rights organizations. And they then planned this March on Washington.