I think that the challenge is always in taking with you what you understand, but pushing it to another point. I don’t believe in rushing, and dropping it off and saying this is done and over with. That to me, that form of rebellion doesn’t make sense to me. I’ve always attempted to familiarize myself with the traditions, and consider that a responsibility of the artist. I think it’s a bit facile to go in as the avant-garde traditionally is expected to do and just chop off the past and say, “Okay, now we start.” It seems a little wasteful to me. Let’s take what we’ve got and let’s push it somewhere and let’s use it because why waste all those good lessons about how the body moves. We don’t have 300 years. The classical ballet has been working that long, learning lessons of the body. Let’s hurry up and get that together, so we can go on with it.