I was very worried about myself. I thought, “I don’t hate them. If I’m a serious freedom fighter, I should hate them.” But I just saw Flicky, a guy doing his job as he saw it. “Advocate Sachs…” They called me “advocate,” like attorney. “Do you mind if I tell you a joke?” I was dying to have someone speak to me. “No, no. Go ahead.” “There was this child who swallowed a little coin and his mother said, ‘We must take him to the doctor,’ and his father said, ‘No, no, no. We must take him to the lawyer. He’ll get the money out of him much quicker.’ Do you mind if I tell you that joke?” And, you know, it was such a weird situation, that he’s still respecting me as a policeman, he’s respecting me because I’m a lawyer and treating me as a human being. He wasn’t from the security police. And I couldn’t imagine killing him or hating him. I could imagine living in the country with someone like him, who is kind of all right, you know, on a one-to-one basis. Maybe with the black prisoners he was much harsher, but I didn’t feel that. He didn’t have that edge. And when occasionally he would speak about…there was a black constable, and Flicky would say to this constable, but not in a bullying way, “Fetch some water for the boss.” So I was the boss. I’m in prison as an enemy of the state trying to overthrow the state, but I was called the boss. You know, the racism just went everywhere.