I think we have to keep tapping into those basic notions of what is fair, of what is right, what is good, what should be a part of the social compact. Sometimes we attach it to laws and regulations or politics or political parties, and that is often the wrong source.  Because those are always up for grabs and up for debate, or being put down or denigrated. But when you’re tapping into the best of the human spirit, “Why is this important? Why is it important that we allow people to be involved in loving, committed relationships recognized by the law?”  Even if I’m very heavily religious, and I don’t believe that I would want my kid to be gay or marry another same-sex partner, as an American I want the law to recognize people’s decisions, and to value their decisions and to value their rights.  And to make sure that when you have a committed loving couple that made the decisions for themselves, that the law should not treat them like strangers.  That they should have the full protections of the law, just like my mom and dad did.   When we make those arguments that way — and not political arguments, and not arguments that deal with the partisan politics — but deal with the very basic nucleus of why is this right.  Even if it’s not right for you, is it right for someone else? If it might be right for someone else, then is it right for you not to let that other person live life that way? I think that’s the conversation we need to have more and more.