Anthony Romero: I think the most productive way of solving problems is to hear all sides, that you have to hear different points of view.  That if you only listen to the viewpoints that you agree with, you get half the picture. That’s why the ACLU is so significant.  It’s an organization that believes in the freedom of speech, and that democracy can be a great many things, but it can never be a quiet business.  And the reason why that is, is because we want everyone to be able to access all different viewpoints, all different analysis, and then you sort out how you think about something, what you think.  That’s very personal to the person.  I think in the end, whenever you tackle a problem, whether it’s at the political level or at the personal level, the societal level, you have to hear the different viewpoints.  You have to consider what different people will say.  Sometimes you learn more from your critics than you do your allies, and that is an essential part of what we do every day.  We try to take apart a very complex issue, to try and understand why our opponents think the way they do, and why we think the way we do, and how best to bring about an understanding of these issues. I think we have to ask the tough questions, you have to kick the tires.  You can’t take anything for a sacred cow.  You have to be willing to consider the alternatives, and then you make up your mind.