On the way back from Philadelphia, because my teacher who was accompanying me — Rosa Sanders, my high school music teacher was accompanying me — we stopped in Washington, because we both had relatives here. We were sort of visiting near the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial and all of that, and in the middle of the day she said, “Why don’t we find out if anybody at Howard University is there and will listen to you sing?” I said, “Well, that sounds like fun.” You know, at that time you don’t care that you’re tired and sort of perspiring from sightseeing all day long. It never occurs to you that you can’t sing. And so she knew one of the professors at Howard because he had been a professor at Paine College in Augusta when she had been a student, and that’s where she’d gone to school. So we just called this person, Dean Fax was his name, Mark Fax. And by now he was on faculty at the College of Fine Arts at Howard, and so we called and he said, “Well, why not? There’s a class this afternoon that’s a master’s degree class in vocal anatomy, so you can sing for that class.” I said, “Why not? That’s fine.” So along we went, and sang for that class, interrupted their studies and just sort of knocked on the door. The professor at the time was told that I was there, and so she welcomed us into the class, where there was a small piano. I sang a few songs, and that professor happened to be Carolyn Grant, who had been professor of voice at Howard University for about 42 years at the time. She accompanied me and my teacher out of the room once we finished our little performance, and she said, “How old are you?” And so I said, “I’m 16. I’ve just turned 16. I’m all grown up!” So she said, “Well, where are you in high school?” I said, “I’ve got another year.” She said, “Well I suppose you’d have to finish high school before you could come to school here,” and I said, “Come to school here?” At that moment, she went down to the dean of the college and said, “I want to teach this child. Make sure that she comes to Howard University.” That’s how I happened to have a scholarship to Howard University. I know, it’s all fairy tales, isn’t it?