As a journalist, you have to balance the risks against the benefits of getting the story out. There are times when there is no other way to get the story but to endure a certain amount of risk. But when you do that, you need to go in with eyes wide open. You need to know exactly what you’re getting into. I have a bunch of rules for myself. You stop at every village, you ask what the situation is like between this village and the next village, you look for fresh tire tracks. If there are any land mines in the area, then you always want to make sure you go on fresh tire tracks to reduce the risk of mines. You carry a certain amount of money so that if some soldiers with guns want to rob you — no fuss — you give them a decoy wallet or some other money to make them happy, and you just learn to kind of be soothing with unpleasant people. And so there are ways that don’t make the risk disappear, but make it more manageable. And then, you still have to balance that risk against the benefit of getting that story that may not be gettable any other way.