I had a teacher in high school who was really somehow — I think he taught government or political science, something like that, whatever you call it in high school — but he also taught Euclidian geometry, plane geometry, simply because he liked it as such a beautiful, intellectual discipline. And I took his course, and one point or another, he got rhapsodizing about the beauty of geometry, and he quoted the last lines of Keats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn.” “Truth is beauty, beauty is truth. That is all you know, and all you need to know.” And those two lines stuck with me. I was about, probably 12 or 13 at the time. And they have stuck with me ever since, because they so much reflected the sort of feeling I had about geometry as well, and about mathematics in general, that its appeal is one of beauty, kind of an intellectual purity and beauty. And now, I’m sure that was what drove me into the direction of thinking I wanted to make mathematics my lifetime work.