Norman Foster: I think it’s a combination of being a good listener, trying to understand what lies beneath the surface. And I mean that in the most literal sense of it could be a cultural institution. It could be an enterprise. It could be a site. It could be the culture of feng shui in an Asian society — the things that you can measure and the things that you can’t measure. And it’s about drawing on the best of diverse skills, the reality that an architect cannot design and realize a building independent of engineers, skilled engineers, structural engineers, environmental engineers. So for me, it’s about harnessing the creative energies. It’s not about designing a building and handing it out and saying, “You make it stand out. You make it warm. You make it cool.” It’s about getting those skills in unison.  The analogy is perhaps a round table, which is non-hierarchical. That doesn’t mean to say that you don’t have strong leadership. Obviously, you have to have that, otherwise it’s designed by committee. So it’s answering the material needs and providing an element of surprise, something that perhaps nobody believed might be possible to add. And it’s not about money. Quality is an attitude of mind. It’s not about how much you spend. It’s about how wisely you spend. You’ve really got three ingredients. You’ve got material resources — money. You’ve got time —and in many cases time is money.  And you’ve got creative energy. And it’s the creative energy that is going to make the difference in terms of those other ingredients.