It was a stigma. I mean television was thought of as, you know, the poor relation to film. And there is still a little of that. There’s still a little of that. It’s a little snobbery, a class system that existed. But in 1960, you know, late ’60s, early ’70s, it was impossible, especially if you came for something called The Flying Nun. It was impossible to make that transition. It just couldn’t be done. It wasn’t that I couldn’t get the part, I couldn’t get in the door. I couldn’t get on the list. Most especially because I was the Flying Nun. It was an important journey to change that. It made me learn some really valuable lessons, and that is that if I wasn’t where I wanted to be, it was because I wasn’t good enough, period. Period. It wasn’t because they weren’t letting me in the door. It wasn’t because they were against me, or they thought I was something else, or, “They, they, they.” It was simply because I wasn’t good enough. That the minute I gave my power away to them I was lost. And I didn’t try to get in the door. I didn’t try.