I think part of it was that I saw just how many different groups had been in and out of Haiti over the years. I knew they were well-meaning, even if I was — as sometimes young people are — I’m sure I was hypercritical. That’s okay. Everybody’s a critic, and like I said, the diagnosis is easy and cheap to make, right? You know, you see all this aid money going in to Haiti. This is — I’m talking about the ’80s. Haiti’s still in trouble. It’s easy to say, “Gee, there’s a problem here.” There is a problem with the effectiveness of the aid, and there were missionary groups, and there were short-term medical missions, and there were tons of people from the United States and Europe. So I think back, then I said, “Well, we need to have long-term partnerships,” hence the name. It’s not gonna be someone coming from the United States into Haiti saying, “Do this, do that.” It’s really about partnerships. So in many senses, certainly the idea for doing that came from Haiti, but also the start was in Haiti.