Haiti’s been my best teacher. In 2005, I went to Rwanda, along with other people at Partners In Health. There are projects in Malawi and Lisutu, with a partner institution in Burundi. So from 2005 to now, I spent most of my time — field time — in Africa. But if I hadn’t learned those lessons, and we hadn’t learned those lessons in Haiti, then how would we know really what to do in rural Africa, because those are not culturally similar places, but they’re structurally similar. So there’s no cultural or linguistic tie between Haiti and Rwanda, but they’re very poor, agrarian societies, much disrupted by political violence and with a history of heavy post-colonial burdens. So there are very significant structural similarities between those places. So of course, one hopes that the lessons learned in Haiti would be — I guess the word is “transferable,” and most of them are. So Haiti’s been my best teacher in that sense. But I wouldn’t want teachers at Duke and Harvard to think that I was saying that I didn’t have the book knowledge that I needed, that I got that in Haiti. Really, I got that in the universities. But understanding its strengths and limitations of book knowledge, if I can — or analysis in general — you learn that in a place like Haiti. You find out how far that knowledge can take you, and where you need to generate new knowledge, and that comes from working with lots of other people, as I’ve said a couple of times. It doesn’t come from oneself and books. It comes from experience, learning to listen to other people, working with big teams of people.