Growing up in the ’60s, coming to my kind of intellectual awakening in high school at a time when the world was in complete chaos, between the war in Vietnam and Civil Rights and all of the upheavals, all the social upheavals, you know, free love, you know, everything that was happening in the late ’60s. It gave one an interesting perspective being a science fiction fan and looking at a world that was coming apart and thinking in very apocalyptic terms about that world. And I’ve never lost that sort of — almost a fascination with apocalyptic themes. Titanic is just another manifestation of that, because for me that film was just a microcosm for the way the world ends. However it ends we don’t know, but if it ends by the human hand it’ll end in the way the Titanic ended, which is through some casual simple carelessness. So you know, being a child of the ’60s in that way, I think, very much influenced the way I looked at what could be done with film.