One thing teaching makes you very, very clearly aware of is, if you don’t really understand something, and think about it, you will never be able to teach it. So particularly starting at Berkeley, where I really had to learn how to teach undergraduates pretty early on, and that took a lot of work. That was a fairly daunting thing to have to teach undergraduates at Berkeley, without any kind of real training for it, and I remember feeling pretty under pressure while I was doing that. But it was worth going through that kind of crucible, because it was something that taught me a whole lot, and I learned the hard way. I have to say, I made a lot of mistakes in how I went about it. The poor students had to put up with a lot, but I realize that it is so important that if you teach, then it means that you’ve understood it, and then you’ve cleared your brain, and you’ve forced your brain to think about it, and that’s really good. I think the two just go so much hand in hand, the science and the teaching. And then the students come back with wonderful ideas. There’s always this back and forth between you, the teacher, and the people who you’re supposedly teaching. Very much a two-way street.