We went across the street to the apartment of somebody who had a TV — not everybody had a TV — so we could watch this (the moon landing). We had this great — we watched this, you know, amazing thing. We all came back, and then I was doing my little biochemical analyses and nothing had fallen into place, and I lost a whole lot of the sample, and I thought, “This is not a good day for my science.” But then very soon after — the same samples — I had analyzed them, and I suddenly thought about them in a different way, and suddenly everything fell into place. And ah, yes! Now I understood what was going on. So I remember that very well, because there was a sort of juxtaposition of the moon’s triumph, my technical failure, and then, very quickly after, somehow things just kind of fell into place. You know, it was a very trivial problem now, but at the time, that process of going through it was something that I suddenly realized, the addiction to science. That “Ah!” You’ve suddenly seen a way through. You’ve seen how something is. You’ve understood how something works.