So I feel very fortunate because even in high school I kind of knew it was biology. I knew that was what fascinated me and I pretty much knew that it was going to be something looking — as I saw it, looking, you know, deep into how these things really work, which then was called biochemistry and then became more molecular and more cell biology with the years. So I went, you know, through high school knowing fairly much that this would be where I would go perhaps not even thinking about it all that much. I just kind of fortunately knew but, you know, in Australia socially there was very much a strong sense that, you know, women didn’t do certain kinds of careers. I was in high school once when somebody said — this was an adult — not my teacher but some other teacher said, “What’s a nice girl like you doing going into science?” I just remember that vividly. And I was — you know, I didn’t lash out at this person because, you know, I kind of socially didn’t know how to do that but I just remember thinking, you know, that’s interesting and I’m not going to basically have any interaction with that person anymore, right, because this person, you know, didn’t seem to get that this was something that I cared about.